Eos’ Advisory Board collaborates with the EC on the long-term vision of the society, helps formulate its strategic goals, and gives guidance based on time-tested expertise in a variety of fields and institutions. Advisory Board members serve for 4 years a time and former members of the EC are invited to join the board after their term.
Professor of the Classics and Comparative Literature at Harvard University, Emily Greenwood first encountered Classics as a child in Malawi and then had the opportunity to study Latin and Greek at Windlesham House School and Sevenoaks School (both in the UK), thanks to generous scholarships. Subsequently, Dr. Greenwood studied Classics at Cambridge University, where she gained her BA, MPhil, and PhD degrees. After finishing her PhD she was a research fellow at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge (2000–2002), before joining the department of Classics at the University of St Andrews where she was lecturer in Greek from 2002–2008. From 2009 to 2021, she was a professor in the Classics department at Yale, and in 2021-2022, she was the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Classics and the University Center for Human Values at Princeton. Her research interests include ancient Greek historiography, Greek prose literature of the fifth and fourth centuries BCE, twentieth century classical receptions (especially uses of Classics in Africa, Britain, the Caribbean, and Greece), Classics and Postcolonialism, and the theory and practice of translating the ‘classics’ of Greek and Roman literature.
Eric Ashley Hairston
Associate Dean for the Office of Academic Advising
University Associate Professor
Wake Forest University
Associate Dean for the Office of Academic Advising and University Associate Professor at Wake Forest University, Eric Ashley Hairston is also affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Humanities Program. Dr. Hairston’s research areas include intersections of Classical Literature and American Literature, especially classical influences on African American and Southern writers, as well as the interdisciplinary study of law, literature, and the humanities. Dr. Hairston has regularly presented his work at professional conferences, including the Modern Language Association and the American Comparative Literature Association. He has also served as a panelist and commentator on issues of law, politics, and policy. Dr. Hairston’s most recent publication, The Ebony Column: Classics, Civilization, and the African American Reclamation of the West (2013), was the inaugural book of the Classicism in American Culture Series published by the University of Tennessee Press. It was also named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2014. He was a contributor to New Essays On Phillis Wheatley, edited by Dr. John C. Shields, and his work in law and policy appears in the The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America (2012). He was awarded a Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Fellowship for 2014-2015 for continuing research on classics
Tom Hawkins
Associate Professor of Classics
The Ohio State University
Associate Professor of Classics at The Ohio State University, Tom Hawkins is interested in the various ways that societies create social hierarchies and how the lower ends of those hierarchies interact with the higher. He studies this topic from two complementary perspectives – traditional classical scholarship dealing with ancient Greece and Rome, and projects that interrogate the classical legacy in modern contexts. His early articles and first book, Iambic Poetics in the Roman Empire(Cambridge 2014), focus on the ways that elite authors use low-register verbal abuse as a rhetorical position to negotiate relationships within their communities. His next book project, preliminarily titled The Beautiful Ugly, investigates the intersection of verbal and bodily rhetoric as a key constituent in community-formation. He is also engaged in projects that situate classics in our global community. Works in progress on adaptations of Greek tragedy in Haiti, Mali and along the California-Mexico border aim to show that Classics need not be tethered to traditions of Western hegemony but can, in fact, serve as a modern discourse of innovation, resistance and progress. In the wake of the genomic revolution we are moving toward new understandings of humanity, particularly in terms of our involvement in ecosystems, notions of personhood and the relationship between human and non-human animals. As we stand on the cusp of what many are now calling the anthropocene era, Classics has the opportunity to influence new patterns of thought by emphasizing the rhetorical traditions of civic discourse and ethically engaged citizenship as a means of navigating conflict and building informed public consensus.
Patrice Rankine
Professor of Classics
University of Chicago
Professor of Classics at the University of Chicago, Patrice Rankine previously served as dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Classics at the University of Richmond and dean for the Arts and Humanities at Hope College. Prior to his time at Hope College, he served as assistant head of the School of Languages and Cultures and director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Classics, both at Purdue University. He has been a professor for nearly two decades. Rankine earned his Ph.D. in classical languages and literature from Yale University. He holds Master of Arts and Master of Philosophy degrees in Classical Languages and Literatures from Yale and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brooklyn College, City University of New York. He is an accomplished scholar having published three books, dozens of articles and book reviews; received numerous awards, honors and grants; and delivered presentations and lectures at dozens of national and international academic conferences. His current research interests include race and performance, queer theory, and “history from below.”
Michele Valerie Ronnick
Professor of Classics
Wayne State University
Professor in Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at Wayne State University, Michele Valerie Ronnick received her Ph.D. from Boston University (1990). At the American Philological Association’s 1996 meeting she organized the first panel on black classicism. Her books include The Autobiography of William Sanders Scarborough (1852-1926): An American Journey from Slavery to Scholarship (2005) and The Works of William Sanders Scarborough: Black Classicist and Race Leader (2006) and numerous chapters, articles and notes. Her photo installation on black classicists, funded by the James Loeb Classical Library Foundation, has been exhibited 49 times. The Society for Classical Studies, the Women’s Classical Caucus, the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Eta Sigma Phi, and the cities of Macon, GA and Sarasota, FL. have honored her.
Caroline Stark
Eos Co-Founder and EC Member, 2017-2020
Associate Professor of Classics
Howard University
Associate Professor of Classics at Howard University, Caroline Stark holds a BA in Latin from Sweet Briar College, an MA in Cultural and Intellectual History, 1300-1650 from the Warburg Institute, University of London, and an MA, MPhil, and PhD in Classics and Renaissance Studies from Yale University. Her research interests include ancient cosmology, anthropology, ethnography, and the reception of classical antiquity in Medieval and Renaissance Europe and in Africa and the African Diaspora. She is the creator of the Io Project, an online resource for the history and reception of Classics in Africa and the African diaspora, and she is co-editing with Lee Fratantuono A Companion to Latin Epic 14-96 CE with Wiley-Blackwell. She is working concurrently on two book projects, one on Africana Receptions of classical heroines and another examining the intersection of humanism, philosophy, art, and science in the writings of fifteenth-century Italian humanists as they rediscovered ancient stories about humankind in Lucretius and other ancient authors. She was a research fellow at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies and a Humanities Writ Large faculty fellow at Duke University.
Emerit* Members of the Advisory Board
N. Gregson Davis
Professor of Classics
Duke University
Andrew W. Mellon Research Professor of Humanities at Duke University, N. Gregson Davis’s primary field of research in Classical Studies is ancient Greek and Latin poetry, and the focus of his published work has been on the interpretation of the poetry of the Augustan poets, Horace, Vergil and Ovid. He also pursues research in contemporary Caribbean Literature, with special emphasis on the Francophone and Anglophone literary traditions (particularly the poetry of the Martinican, Aimé Césaire, and the St.Lucian, Derek Walcott). His current work explores the interconnections between philosophy (especially ethics) and poetry in Augustan literature.
Tessa Roynon
Research and Teaching Fellow
Rothmere Institute of American Studies
University of Oxford
Teaching and Research Fellow at Rothmere American Institute at Oxford University, Tessa Roynon specializes in modern North American literature, particularly African American literature, in Anglophone literature of the black diaspora, and in Classical Reception studies. She is the author of The Cambridge Introduction to Toni Morrison (CUP 2012) and Toni Morrison and the Classical Tradition (OUP 2013), as well as numerous articles. She is co-editor of the acclaimed interdisciplinary essay collection, African Athena: New Agendas (OUP 2011, with Daniel Orrells and Gurminder Bhambra), and Executive Editor of the book series Race and Resistance Across Borders, at Peter Lang, which she co-founded in 2014. She is currently writing a book entitled The Classical Tradition in Modern American Fiction (forthcoming with Edinburgh University Press), a study of how modern American novelists ranging from Willa Cather and William Faulkner to Toni Cade Bambara and Percival Everett reference the cultures of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, for example in their representations of racial and/or ethnic politics and identities. Other projects include co-editing two collections: Global Ralph Ellison (with Marc C. Conner) and a special issue of The International Journal of the Classical Tradition on the theme of “Ovid and Identity in the Twenty-first Century” (with Daniel Orrells).