An Ancient Greek word for the dawn, eos (EE-os) symbolizes a new beginning. The image of daybreak captures what the co-founders thought this initiative can offer: a new way of engaging ancient Greek and Roman cultures, of according Africana receptions of those cultures the respect they deserve, and of building a thriving community of scholars marginalized for their identities, for their academic interests, or both. The society’s aim was and is to center the work and experiences of Black people in the field of classics, to shine a light on what has already been accomplished, and to reduce the risks—personal and professional— to those dedicated to this area of study, especially scholars of color.
Since Eos’s foundation, we have established a series of recurring programs:
- Luminaries creates a history of the field of Africana receptions through interviews with practitioners about their work and their vision
- Reads prepares members to lead discussions of key texts of African and African-diasporic literature that engage Greco-Roman materials
- Panels at the SCS annual meeting showcase the latest work in the field
- Events like “Black Classicisms and the Visual Arts,” held at Busboys and Poets in Washington, DC, engage a wide public
Beginning in 2025, the society’s regular programming will expand:
- Writes enables society members to give and receive feedback on writing projects-in-progress
- Pros offers a series of member-led workshops on matters of professional development
The society and its leadership continues to grow and change. Co-founder Caroline Stark has joined the advisory board, which provides advice and support to the Executive Committee. Devondra MacMillan and Sarah Derbew served on the EC in 2021 and 2022. In 2021, Jackie Murray joined co-founders Sasha-Mae Eccleston, Harriet Fertik, and Mathias Hanses on the EC.